Wednesday, June 27, 2007

6 Weeks Old!

You had a hot lunch date with Ms. Holly (even though you slept right through it). You seem like you have grown a lot this week and are sleeping in your pack n' play better...less with us. You are a snuggle bug, like your sister. People tell us a lot that you are beautiful and perfect. It is very sweet and, of course, we think so. You also got to meet your great grandma. You get your red hair from her side. She doesn't have red hair, but she is still a little sassy.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

5 Weeks Old

You handsome devil...You are more alert now and still love to snuggle and be held. You have your Daddy's sensitive tummy, so I have to be careful about what I eat. Your Dad is the best to soothe you when your tummy hurts or you are gassy. He loves you a lot and doesn't like for you to cry.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Sometimes after you eat, your eyes get really big and you go into a trance, then you look milkatonic.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

4 Weeks Old!

We call you the Rooter, Tooter because you are always grunting and tooting (even when you are sleeping). It is so funny! You still have the startle reflex and sometimes look at us with just one eye. We call that the pirate, which your sister loves. She did the same thing. You also make this funny face after you eat, while stretching out. You mush your face and make funny lips...we call this the Mr. Magoo face. Addie did it too. I can't get a pic of you doing it yet though. You eat and sleep a lot. This week we figured out that when I drink milk, it hurts your tummy. So no more cow's milk for mom.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

3 Weeks Old

You have grown out of your newborn diapers and almost out of your newborn clothes. I took you to my old work today and you got lots of love. We have also had lots of sweet visitors at the house. Everyone says you are handsome. Maybe they are just being kind, but I think it is true. Most people notice your red hair and a few have commented on how pretty and flat your ears are. I guess that is a desirable trait. You coo when you are happy and sometimes make this grunting, growly noise when you are eating. This makes us think maybe you need a T-Bone instead of milk. You love to cuddle and are very sweet.

Here you are smiling a little.
Dad can always burp you best.
Addie loves you. She even covers you up in her favorite purple silky sometimes. Where ever we go, she tells people about you and says, "This is my baby, Ryan. Say...Hi Ryan. He is so cute, huh?"

Friday, June 1, 2007

Your First Bath

Until now you have only had little bird baths, but tonight you got a real bath. You weren't a big fan so we made it really quick.